We turn lemons into lemonade 🍋

Are you tired of spending money on what feels like an endless amount of car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle repairs?

Speak with our Lemon Law Attorneys today and get the compensation you deserve at no cost to you!

The Lemonade Lawyer

We Solve Your Problems In 3 EASY Steps!




In many cases, our clients have received a full refund on their vehicle. This is mainly because there are various laws that protect consumers. We are trained and experienced in all aspects of State and Federal Lemon Laws and manufacturer’s warranties which we can use to get you the compensation you deserve.

Understand Your Rights

California has one of the strongest and most consumer friendly lemon laws in the nation. You may be eligible for a vehicle buyback or compensation if:

You Could Be Entitled To a full refund at zero cost to you!
The Vehicle Manufacturer Pays our Attorney Fees.

Your Remedies

There are several possible remedies if you have a valid lemon law claim. Depending on your situation:

$0.00. While it’s true that we don’t work for free, our services are free to you. Consumer protection laws allow us to pursue collection of all attorney’s fees and court costs directly from the manufacturers upon the conclusion of a successful outcome. We’re confident that if we decide you have a valid claim, we’ll be able to reach a positive outcome for you. In the unlikely event that your claim is not successful, we won’t charge you a dime. We understand the headaches you have gone through to get to this point and you will never be billed for anything from our office — ever. There is absolutely no risk when you give us a call. The initial evaluation, and all work we do on your behalf, is completely FREE to you. We’ll help you determine if you have a claim and assist you in the entire process from start to finish.

A lemon is a yellow citrus fruit that is often used as a way to add flavor to tea or water, or even to just make Lemonade!

Wait, that’s not what you were asking? Okay then — A “Lemon” is also a term used to describe a car that has been continually plagued with problems despite constant repair attempts while under warranty.

The Federal “Lemon Law” was originally passed in 1975. Since then, all 50 states have enacted their own Lemon Laws, as well. The Lemon Law for vehicles is designed to protect the consumer in case the manufacturer fails to deliver on a promise. When you buy a new vehicle, the manufacturer makes certain promises to you as the consumer about the quality of that vehicle and their ability to repair it. If, for some reason, those promises are not met and the vehicle is continually in the shop for repairs, the law may protect you and require that the manufacturer provide you with a cash payment, a replacement vehicle, or even be required to repurchase the vehicle from you. That’s where we come in. To make sure they uphold their promise to you, the consumer.

We are committed to providing you with the best possible representation at each step along the way.  Our goal is to resolve your matter as efficiently as possible:

1.  When you first contact us, we’ll get all the details regarding your vehicle’s problems and inform you what is needed for us to evaluate your claim.  We’ll let you know how to begin that process.

2.  After receiving all of your information, we’ll review your documents and determine if you have a valid claim.  Once we establish that you have a claim and you agree to have us represent you, we will handle all of the paperwork, filing, and negotiations with the manufacturer on your behalf.  We’ll keep you informed of every step along the way and provide you counsel on the best way to proceed.

3.  Once a buyback or settlement has been agreed to, we will work directly with you and the manufacturer to ensure that the terms of the settlement are met.  Our representation of you is never complete until you have received your settlement proceeds.

Our approach allows us to get you the best possible outcome in the shortest amount of time. It really is that simple. And the best part is that … you pay nothing!

Frequently Asked Questions